From Hot Lashes, bridging Sacred Beauty w/Science 7 easy steps

Sacred Beauty coupled with Science


The Bridging of Sacred beauty with Science has long been a age old secret. Mystics, poets, philosophers have all exalted about the innate divine beauty within each woman and the unique way to bring that forward into a Luminous conteneance.

As a company that relishes in Luminous Beauty proven beauty products and with our Founder who has a Doctorate spiritual science degree in Sacred beauty, here are our 7 steps to the marriaging of your sacred beauty to your true inner and outer beauty.

Step 1: Take some time daily to get to know your true inner divine nature. It can be as simple as tuning into your heart & people, animals, places of nature where you feel your heart expand. Allow that to live evermore inside of you. Feel it, own it, know it~ Studies have shown our sustained emotional states create our realities coupled with our thoughts.

Step 2: Enjoy and relish in our beautiful 12 minute guided meditation, easy to follow, on Awakening your cosmic beauty on this website listening as you awaken even more to the beauty that is you, divine and sacred.

Step 3: Take a leisure calming bath, exfoliating all old skin cells from your body and face, letting all debris go~ Our favorite is a argan oil mixed with baking soda mixture rubbed gently over body and face. Wash off revealing new clean glowing skin.

Step 4: Apply now a state of the art glowing bronzer to face only, as close to your natural skin tone as possible. Our favorite is a bronzer made of minerals soon to be debuted on our website.

Step 5: Our company Luminous Beauty has a scientific patented heated lash curler Hot Lashes, that opens up the eyes, with the upsweep of the eyelashes, revealing more beauty in your eyes and eyecolor. To order

Step 6: Apply only a dab of our patended mascara to darken the lashes accuenating your eye color. You can also apply our Hot Lashes 3 PC eyeliner kit for a evening smokey eye look.

Step 7: Apply a lip shade as close to your own natural lip color as well. A dab of argan oil on top can also add as healthy natural gloss.

We have witessed woman being transformed by these easy 7 steps marrying Sacred beauty with some simple scientific beauty steps.

~We adore you, honor you and bless you~ All of us at